Thursday, March 15, 2012

Friends of Rhode Island Avenue Clean the Street Day

From Friends of Rhode Island Avenue:
Hope everyone is getting out and enjoying this beautiful early spring weather!

Start off the weekend by joining your neighbors for the first ever Friends of Rhode Island Avenue Community Clean-up! We want to show off our great community, so join us for this hands-on event to polish up our little diamond in the rough. We'll be targeting the area between 18th and South Dakota this time around - we can expand into additional blocks in the future.

WHEN: March 17, 2012, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Rain or Shine! There's a little rain in the forecast, but we'll be there! Do a little something for your community, then enjoy your St. Patrick's Day!

WHERE: Meet at the corner of 2000 Rhode Island Ave NE

DETAILS: General trash pick-up - PLUS - a great opportunity to meet neighbors and show your support for our neighborhood!

T-SHIRTS!!: We'll have a limited number of FoRIA t-shirts for sale at the event. $15 each.

We will have a limited amount of tools (brooms, etc.), plus bags provided by DC DPW, so bring your work gloves and comfortable clothes.

RSVP/Questions/Contact: or Kyle at 202-489-1833.

More info at

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